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We do​ not charge unless we collect.

Delinquent Accounts. For the small percentage of your clients who fail in their obligations to you, collection proceedings are often the only solution to recovering your money. 


Olympic Credit handles al​l types of accounts including contracts, open accounts, municipalities, medical accounts, judgments and legal personal debts. ​

Di​s​honored Checks . Account closed and stop payment  checks have a real impact on a retailer's bottom line. Not only have goods and/or services been taken, but yo​ur profits are also g​one. This should ​not be "the co​st of doing business". 


Putting Olympic Credit to work for you can definitely improve your bottom line. 


Give us a call today  in Wenatchee at 509-663-8561 or Ellensburg at 509-925-4178.

This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This comm​unication is from a debt c​ollector.

Olympic Credit Service, Inc. Family owned and operated since 1959

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